Sunday, April 3, 2011

2) The Necessarily Existant *is* God

Revised on April 14 2011
What is a God?

In the universe around us everything that exists has been brought into existence by something else. Every thing we see around us came from something else that came from something that came from another thing. This chain goes on and on for what may seem like an eternity except that an eternity of effects created by causes created by effects created by causes cannot be created by effects.

Logically there has to be a first cause that creates everything that comes afterwards. This first cause is the necessary cause that brings about all future effects. And since the universe obviously exists there must be a necessary cause that made all these effects exist around us, that necessary cause is what we call the Necessarily Existent (واجب الوجود  wajib al-wujood).

That which reality cannot exist without is the Necessarily Existent or in other words God.

In reality, God is the only real Necessity. It is necessary for God to exist so that anything else can.

Everything other than God is therefore either 1) Possible or 2) Impossible.

So what is a God? There are 8 essential attributes that we need to believe in about God. These attributes can be known through the intellect if one contemplates reality closely enough. God being the Necessarily Existent (واجب الوجود  wajib al-wujood) is the the 1st essential attribute that we need to believe in.
It is only when we have a proper understanding of what a God is that we can properly and fully understand how to practice religion. It is people's lack of reflection and proper understanding of the Divine that make them have a hard time following Divine revelation. These 8 essential attributes can be known and understood in the basic form by the intellect alone.

A person has to reach an understanding by the intellect that God exists before proving that God exists by revelation, otherwise one falls into a cycle.

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