Thursday, June 16, 2011

16) A Short List of Miracles

Here are a few of the miracles of the last Prophet sent to mankind, Prophet Muhammad (alayhi as-salat was-salam). This is a short list and does not cover the many miracles that have been reported and it does not cover the constant miracle that is present with us all.

Some of the Final Prophet's miracles
1) Split the moon in two, then brought it back together. This was a historic event reported by people in surrounding countries at the time.
2) Traveling from Mecca to Jerusalem then past the 7 heavens within one night.
3) Water pouring from his fingers such that he quenched the thirst of over 1,500 thirsty men in the dessert
4) Knowing the future.
5) Knowing what people think.
6) Can see from behind him just as well as in front
7) Healed the sick
8) Being invisible
9) Animals would talk and complain to him of their owners
10) A tree walking towards the Prophet, talks to him, and returns back to it's place.
11) Hearing the stones praise God
12) The Prophet talking to a mountain and the mountain talking back
13) A group of birds complained to the Prophet over their eggs having gone missing
14) Healing a child who could not speak by having the child's mother give him water the Prophet prayed upon.
15) Healing the blind
16) Defeating an incoming army by picking up a handful of sand and throwing it in their direction.
17) A poisoned piece of food warned the Prophet that it is poisoned
18) Turning water into milk and butter
19) Turning salt water into fresh water
20) Raising the dead
21) Making it rain

There are much too many miracles to type out, I may come back and add more with more detail at a later time.

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