Wednesday, April 13, 2011

7) Hear and See

Note: New readers should start reading from Categorizing Reality onwards before reading this post.

Humans have will power, they have strength, they have knowledge, they have sight, they can hear, and they are alive.

We don't have any of the above by ourselves, we are given the above (in different amounts) by the Divine, who has Absolute Will power, Might, Knowledge, Sight, Hearing, and Life.

We have some traces of Divine attributes given to us to help us better understand the Divine. God has sight, but His sight is not like ours. We are a miniscule scope of the attribute of sight, while God has absolute Sight. God's sight includes within it things our minds would never comprehend. God sees our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sees sounds.

God is All-Seeing. (al-baseer البصير)
He sees everything that ever was, that is, and that ever will be. He sees what we did, what we are doing, what we want to do, and what we will do.
There is no such thing as distance with God. 

God's Seeing is related to that which exists  not the Impossible.

God is also All-Hearing. (al-samea السميع)
He hears everything that ever was, that is, and that ever will be. God can hear us when we talk to Him, He hears us when we think thoughts to ourselves, He hears us when we can't even hear ourselves. God hears the entire universe, even the foot steps of ants in caves with just as much ease as He hears a massive explosion. No sound is too low nor too loud for God to Hear.
God Hears the sounds of colors, thoughts, feelings, expressions. His Hearing is far beyond what any mind may fathom or understand.

God's Hearing is related to that which exists not the Impossible.

Believing in God's All-Hearing and All-Seeing attributes is the key which leads us to make sense of one of the most essential understandings in the relationship between God and His creation.

The essential attribute through which we believe what we believe and disbelieve what we disbelieve.

I'll tell you what that attribute is in the next post if God Wills it.

Note 1:
It is important to understand that our human attributes are given to us by God. As such, God can increase us or decrease us as He pleases in any of them. It has been mentioned that the more praiseworthy things we hear and the less sinful things we hear, the more God increases us in spiritual hearing. Our spiritual hearing can hear the angels, understand the animals, and hear from far distances.

Likewise with sight. If we keep our eyes focused on that which God loves and away from that which He warns us against, our eyes would be able to see through physical matter. We would be able to see angels, distant horizons, and many other hidden realities.

Note 2:
When we perform ablution (وضوء  wudu'), we are told to ask God to make us see all that is good when we wash over our eyes, and we ask God to let us hear all that is good upon washing our ears.

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