Thursday, April 21, 2011

11) Divine Attributes Through Revelation

New readers need to start reading from here: ( What is God)

God is perfection and beyond what any created mind can fathom. God is infinite and our minds are finite. However God has not deprived us of deepening our knowledge of Him.

Before we move on to any further understandings about God we first have to stick to a certain principle which is that, "we attribute to God any and all complete perfection and we exclude from God any and all imperfections." It is only when we believe in that principle that further doors are made clear to us and it is only through Divine revelation that we can properly see and understanding that principle.

God has many exalted attributes beyond the 8 Essentials but they can only be properly understood through Divine revelation and there's a reason why that is. For those of us who really want to know God and connect with Him we need to know what He has to say to us. What does God say to creation? What does He expect from creation? How does God say things to creation? etc Without Divine revelation the only attributes we'd know about God are 7 Essential attributes without the 8th attribute of Speech.

If God did not communicate with creation we would have no way of proving God's essential attribute of Divine Speech. Yet, just as God hears us speak to Him, He also speaks to us. His Divine speech reaches us through revelation, and it is this special relationship between Creator and creation that the doors to knowing more about God are opened.

As great as the intellect is, it's capacity to know God is miniscule in comparison to the heart and spirit. There are aspects of God that only the heart can understand without the mind properly comprehending. However, there aren't aspects of God that the mind can comprehend that the heart cannot. The heart is far wider is scope, that is why spiritual knowledge is directed to the heart.

So in order for us to know God on a deeper level we need to read what He has revealed to us, that by itself opens a door to a better understanding of God. However, the depth and breadth of our understanding of God is contingent upon our acceptance and implementation of God's commands to us. The relationship is simple and clear if we are sincere. Sincere in the exchange taking place, which is, through obeying Divine commands we are given spiritual enlightenment.
The more we submit to Divine commands the more He reveals to us. The more He reveals to us the more we submit and implement. The more we submit and implement the more we love, understanding, and appreciate God. The more we appreciate the more He gives us. So on and so forth to no end.

Know this:
There comes a point where the heart yearns to know more about the Divine, and that point is never passed except on God's terms.
And God's terms are not made clear to us except through revelation.

Revelation is not made clear to us unless we come to believe and understand two things:

1) Belief in God and all the 8 Essential attributes mentioned earlier.

2) Belief in the one who is receiving revelation, which we will get into next, God willing.

It is only when on believes in God,(namely His 8 Essential attributes) and believes in those who have received revelation, that one can believe in that which was revealed. Before the above 2 are met, proper faith in revelation will be frail and lacking.

A prayer worth saying daily that would take any one of to great places is to constantly ask God to "Show us the path of Truth as Truth and guide us on it, and to show us the false path as false and protect us from it."

Note 2:
Some people misunderstand the usage of masculine terminology of God as He. When "He" is used to refer to God, it does not refer to God being a male. The masculine form is used due to its Majestic, All-Powerful, and All-Mighty connotations. God is neither male nor female. God has no gender. "He" is a linguistic expression.

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